Three Day Series

Was the mysterious darkness that descended while Jesus was dying on the cross only a local phenomenon, or did it extend beyond Golgotha and possibly throughout Palestine? To get the straight (but startling) answer to this question visit the Three Day Series site.

The Three Day Series is a chronological re-enactment of the three mysterious days between Jesus’ death and resurrection. This unique saga is told in four dimensions: the visible one of humans, the invisible one of demons, the mysterious one in Sheol, and the glorious one in Heaven. Together they bring to life the epic transition between the Old and New Covenants. Why did Joseph of Arimathea risk everything to bury Jesus? How did these days impact Jesus’ natural family and what did Jesus do because of it? What were Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate, and the Romans doing while the political dust was settling after the dramatic event which led to Jesus' death in the human world? Beyond Jesus’ disciples, what was that vast dark world of evil spirits doing while Jesus was dead? The most crucial question, however, is what was Jesus Himself accomplishing while the earth was poised between two covenants with God?

These are but a few of the many questions answered in depth by this story, which apparently has never been told–until now. Without question this is a saga for the ages that wisely informs. Creatively humorous, yet at times dramatically moving, this series is a must read for anyone even remotely interested in the things of God.

At the Three Day Series site you will find several items of interests. In addition to an answer to that startling question above, you will find an online pricing feature which allows you to compare the current price of the published books in this series at several online distributors. I call it “one-click” comparison shopping at its best. You will also have access to a free online version of the Three Day Commentary which offers several interesting discoveries which I found while researching and writing this series over the past 10 years.

Upon arrival at the site, you may want to add it to your “Favorites List” inasmuch as I have not yet determined how to locate it with search engines. You can also access this satellite information at any time from The Christian Café.