Need To Know

Welcome to the The Christian Café. It is my prayer that you benefit from the servings prepared in our oven fires. The Lord has paid a great price to offer us the bread and wine of His covenant, therefore in the handling of this nourishment I pray the food and drink will not be diluted.

As is normal in most Grand Openings, our shelves are not as filled as they will be in the future, but I trust these initial servings will encourage you to dine with us regularly. If you would like to be notified whenever a new item appears on this site please email me at and indicate `Notify Me' in the subject line. We honor your privacy and will not share your email address with anyone.

At the moment I am offering two kinds of items which will be handled differently. The first is the generalized manna which will always appear on the Homepage. In addition to the manna, I will also serve some specialized wines. The only wines I am currently serving are "Godly Parenting" and the "Three Day Series." I call them wines because they contain specific content centered around important topics. Each serving of wine has been fermenting for quite some time and is geared for a wide audience. For example, the Godly Parenting wine is intended for parents, future parents, grandparents, and even former children (now that’s a wide audience). The broad appeal of this paticular wine is why it is the first one offered. The Three Day Series wine is a massive project which has so much information it needed a website of its own. The link for that information is therefore featured in that wine rack.

The manna on the Home page offers general servings of nourishment on various topics of christian interest, while the wine (tabs) feature specialized items which visitors may want to enjoy along with their meal. Offering the nourishment this way allows me to group specific subjects in a manner that is easy to follow in their progression (rather than scattering topics and their sequels all over the store). This is also helpful to regular diners who have a specific interest in a particular wine. Guests should be aware that the contents of the wine racks do not usually appear on the Home page. There are exceptions, but normally to partake of the new wine items you must visit the vintage of your choice. Future wines may include such topics as "Youth Ministry,” "Bible Mystery Series," "Spiritual Warfare," and “Women of Old,” to name a few.

The only exception to the “wine rack" policy is a future item I intend to call "Highlights." After a sufficient variety of manna and wine have been served, I will gather some of the “Chef Specials” into a single rack for newcomers so they can sample the variety being offered. A "Highlight" wine allows guests to catch up on what has been happening on the site without having to dig through the archives. Archives can be musty and unattractive places for guests. Nevertheless, the archives list can offer a helpful way to review every item posted on the site. If you are visiting here for the first time, you might want to begin by enjoying the first item ever served here. Click the year "2010" in the Archives list to your right (scroll up to see Archives), then click October. It will take you directly to the Kingdom Training Grounds. Clicking down each month you can then review each item in the order in which it was served.

Until the “Highlight” rack is assembled, you should consider the store to still be in the Grand Opening phase. You should also know that one of the motivations for opening this Café is to share with my natural and spiritual children (and those with whom they will enter into the covenant of marriage) and with their children, some of the things the Lord has entrusted to me. Friends have encouraged me to offer these things publicly, so my objective is to make available to my children and their future families several important things, while the public looks over my shoulder.

Thank you again for stopping by and my prayer is that you might benefit from the servings here. Please visit us often if you can and be sure to review the "Basic Beliefs" listed below before you put the "Need To Know" wine back on the rack. Every sincere believer in Jesus Christ is a special treasure who should be continuously encouraged to continue in the faith in which they stand.

Basic Beliefs
Applying the “KISS” principle
(Keep It Simple Sweetheart)

These beliefs are intentionally broad and are intended to be inclusive for the wide variety of born again believers who may frequent this site.

1 – Jesus Christ is the Great I AM (John 8:58)

2 – Having eternally existed as God (Philippians 2:5-8) Jesus Christ stepped into the realm of mortal flesh by the Virgin birth through His human mother Mary.

3 – Eternal Salvation in Jesus Christ does not come by the good works of law or society, but is accomplished through faith alone.

4 – The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have provided us with His inspired Word which He intends to function as our absolute standard for faith and practice. Furthermore, His ability to provide us with exactly what He intended for us to have is evidenced by Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:17-18 and by Paul’s inspired statement in I Timothy 3:16-17.

Samuel Compton
Veteran's Day
November 11, 2010